Monday, October 5, 2009

These are a few of MY favorite things!

Morgan did this a few months ago, so I thought I'd be a copy cat! ;)
Actually, I really like to know what works, so I thought I would share what works for me.

First on my list- Clorox Wipes!
I'm not sure what I did before I discovered this wonderful product! I use these daily! I discovered these when I was in college, so I guess I've been using them for over 3 years now. They are perfect for all those spills and splatters in the kitchen! After I do the dishes, I go over my whole kitchen with these and then just toss the mess! They also come in decorative canisters now, which I find is great for the bathroom. They make your daily swish and swipe that much easier! One sheet over the counter top fold in half and wipe the toilet and toss it! LOVE them!!

Pretty sure I started using this after reading about them on Morgan's blog--Venus Spa Breeze razors. I've been a loyal Venus user since they came out. I can count on one hand the number of times I've cut myself with a Venus...disposables on the other hand...there's no telling! I can tell you that after you use a Venus you can't go back to disposables! The Venus Breeze is great for a quick shower shave. No shaving cream needed! Yes they're expensive, but one blade last me a couple of weeks, and like I said, once you use can't go back!

Next on my list-- Clinique's skin care products! This stuff makes your face feel sooo smooth! Not to mention there are different formulas for all skin types, so you know what your buying is going to work for you. I love it! The Dramatically Different lotion is unbelievable! It hydrates without being greasy at clue how they do it, but I love it!

And while we're on the subject of Clinique, let me just say that they're makeup is wonderful! Maybe its just the fact that I know that what I'm spending my money on is a quality product that will work with my skin and that actually matches my skin color. I've spent so much money on cheap (and not so cheap) Wal-Mart makeup that just didn't work. I bought a bottle of Clinique when I bought the skincare products and when I ran out, I decided to save money and buy some $10 makeup at Wal-Mart. I figured that yeah that was kind of expensive for Wal-Mart makeup, but if I spent a little more, maybe it would be better. I spent about 2 weeks looking orange (even Michael made a comment about it) and ended up back at the Clinique counter for something that worked. $20 later, I have makeup that's right for my skin type and matches my skin perfectly!

Now, not all cheap Wal-Mart makeup is bad makeup! I love Almay Intense I-Color makeup! At least the eye shadow and eye liner. It really does seem to bring out your eye color which I love! As far mascara goes though, I have to go back to Clinique for that!

Well, I hope you enjoyed learning about a few of my favorite things! What are yours?

Saturday, October 3, 2009

My new pet(s)!!

Well, I decided not to get the was a very tough decision! Michael said I could get him and we all agreed on a price and I even had a time set up to pick him up. I was so excited...and then I started to think about everything. I started thinking about how expensive he was going to end up being...not only the price of him, the non-refundable pet fee for my apartment, food, collar, leash, crate, something to travel in, etc. etc. That adds up really really fast! Not only that, but I'm hopefully coming home sometime within the next few weeks, so I would have to bring him and stress out about what to do with him in AR. If I stay at my Dad's, he couldn't stay with who wants to take care of someone else's dog? Then we're coming home again for Christmas, so we would have that dilema all over again! Not to mention we're moving in January and if we don't live on base we'll have to pay another pet deposit plus the deposit on the place...all this kept going over and over and over in my head and I kept getting more and more stressed! I didn't even have him yet and he was driving me crazy! Not to mention I knew that everytime he chewed something up or went potty on the carpet, or ANYTHING at all that Michael would give me that look that said I HATE THIS DOG!! So, after getting no sleep, I told the lady that I just couldn't do it. :(

So who are these new pets, you ask? Well, a little over a week ago I bought some squirrel food and a feeder. I hung out as soon as we got home and watched and waited...nothing happened. I say about 10 squirrels at the back of our apartments eating the next day. I knew I had seen the older lady that lives behind us throwing peanuts out a few weeks ago, so I decided that she was feeding them too and that I probably wouldn't be getting any customers. Well, this morning I was rocking Ben and I heard something banging on the front porch. I peeked out and saw a squirrel hanging upside down on the feeder. He had knocked the lid off the top and was tilting the whole thing sideways and food was going ALL over the porch and banging when it landed on our grill. This silly little squirrel would jump up on the feeder (still hanging upside down) grab one piece of food (while food was raining down all over the ground) then jump down on the banister and eat his one piece and do it all over again! He finally discovered all the food on the ground decided to just eat the easy stuff! We had lots of fun watching this little guy who was soon joined by a friend. I still have food all over my front porch, but that's ok, they've been keeping us entertained! If you come to visit and see 50 pound squirrels, you'll know they've been to my house! Silly things have been out there eating all day!

I can't believe how big Ben is getting! He's growing up WAY to fast! He'll 5 months in a little over a week! He loves watching tv and playing in his excersaucer. He's such a sweet little boy! I can't wait to bring him back to Arkansas so ya'll can see him! Here's some pictures of bath time today!

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ya'll win!

Ok, ok, ok, I'll keep people updated...I mean it was the whole point of the blog anyway right?

For anyone who reads this that doesn't know, I moved to Pensacola at the end of June. Honestly, I don't remember too much about the last few months...I don't think anything significant happened.

I hurt my back sometime in July and it's still not better. Ben's been (ha!) going to daycare since I hurt it. When it first happened I couldn't even pick him up. I can pick him now and we can play, but sometimes it just gives out. He had a doctor appointment a few weeks ago, so I decided to keep him after it was over and the next day I could barely hold him. Michael has been getting to stay at home at night now to help take care of Ben. I'm so glad to have him home, but I wish I could keep Ben during the days! I miss him so much! But he seems to love daycare and the ladies there are crazy about him!

He's growing up so fast! At our last dr appointment he weighed 14 pounds and was 24 inches long! He's just now getting into 3-6 month clothes, but they are almost too short and they swallow him whole! I don't know what we're going to do! Ben LOVES his daddy and his favorite thing to do is watch him play xbox! They could do that for hours! He's just now starting to giggle and it's the funniest thing! No teeth yet, but I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time. He loves anything and everything outside, and he loves to watch people!! As long as he has something to watch he is content!

Michael's class date got pushed back since he had to stay home and help me until we could get daycare worked out. He was supposed to graduate in November, but now its going to be January. Not too big of a deal, in fact it worked out great because now he gets 2 weeks for Christmas because the schools shut down, which means we'll get to come home for sure and actually stay awhile! We're still not sure if we're coming in for Thanksgiving or not...we'll see.

I haven't been up to much...just trying to take care of my boys! I recently got my sewing machine out of the closet thanks to Morgan, so hopefully I will have some pics to post of the progress soon!

I feel like I live at NHP! (Naval Hospital at Pensacola) I was there a few times with my back, then Ben got sick, (he had a bad cough! he took that yummy pink stuff and is much better now!) and Michael's ankle (not sure what he just hurts all the time). Now Michael's in physical therapy for his ankle and is actually at an appointment right now to see if he can go to orthopedics and get an MRI. I should start physical therapy one day next week...yay! But if it works, I'll do whatever it takes!

I'm hopefully getting a dog...*fingers crossed* A lady on craigslist has a min pin for sale and he is the cutest thing you have ever seen!! Hopefully we can all agree on a price and he will be mine! I'll post a pic of him that she sent me.

Anyway, this is all very random and I'm sure I've left something out, but I'll do better about updating and taking pictures to go along with it! I'm getting better at pictures, but I'm pretty sure the people who read this have seen my pics on FB, so I won't post them.

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Things I want to remember...

While we were in the ER at Children's, Ben's cord fell off! He has a belly button now!! It's so cute! (Look at that belly! :o))

On our way home from the hospital, we stopped at Wal-Mart in Hot Springs and the greeter wanted to see Ben. We stopped and let him look. He said that he needed his first dollar and proceeded to pull out his wallet and give him one. How sweet was that? It's going in Ben's savings account!

And this is just a freebie! I thought he looked so cute napping in his hooded towel!

Happy Birthday to me!

Yesterday was my birthday, so we had cake and icecream at Granny's on Sunday. Daddy and Sheila took me out to eat yesterday and Michael bought me flowers. I think this is the first year that I haven't had any idea what I wanted. Granny gave me money and Daddy and Sheila bought me some shirts that I picked out. I told Michael I wanted an SD card so I would have plenty of room for pictures for my blog! ;) Here's some pictures from Sunday. Yes I had a Tinkerbell cake for my 21st birthday! :o)

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Update on Ben

Well, we didn't get to come home on Saturday like had hoped, but we did go home on Monday. We were so happy to be out of that hospital! It feels so good to hold my baby without having to worry about IV cords!

We still don't really know what was wrong...just that he had an infection. On Wednesday night, his white blood cell count was 30,000 and by Friday or Saturday it was 19,000, so the infection was getting better. They took more blood before we left and we're still waiting on results from that and the urine culture. He seems to be doing fine though. He's eating like a horse! We had a follow up appointment with Dr. Reeves on Tuesday and he had gained 6 ounces in 6 days! He put him on some reflux medicine as well, so maybe that will help.

Here's some pictures of our last days at Children's. We knew he was feeling better when he would let us put him in the swing the nurses brought for him. Here's a picture of Ben and Grandpa on our last night, and one of the shirt they gave him when we left. It's a little big now, but isn't it cute? The stuffed animal is "Bucky" the deer that Grandpa bought for him. :) And a picture of the mean old nurses drawing blood for one final test right before we left.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Ben's exciting adventure to the hospital

This has been a crazy week! Poor Ben has been through it!

Tuesday night, I layed Ben down for bed around 9:30. He woke up at 10 and looked like he was in pain. I got him calmed down and tried to put him back down. All he would do was scream! I tried this several times to no avail. All he wanted was to be held and only on my shoulder.

We spent that night in Nannie's recliner. I would rock him to sleep, then put the foot thing out, but if I even leaned back the slightest bit he would scream. I figured it was gas and it would go away. I tried to feed him a few times and he didn't want anything to do with it. I fixed him a bottle at 7:30 Wednesday morning and he took about 1.5 ounces finally. I tried a few times for the next few hours to get him to eat some more, but he didn't want any. I called his pediatrician to find out what to do and the nurse said to bring him in. While we were getting ready to leave, Grandpa got him to eat another 2.5 ounces.

Dr. Reeves had them take blood and an xray. After looking at the xray, he decided he had a blockage in his bowels and we should go to Children's. (*He weighed in at 7lbs 9oz! Almost back to birth weight in less than a week!*)

We headed to St. Joe to the ER to get an IV started and take an ambulance to Little Rock. It was supposed to be a quick thing, but it ended up taking 3 hours! They reweighed him and took his temperature and then the bad stuff started...When they took blood at the pediatricians, it only took one little stick, but at the ER it took 8! I was one unhappy momma! Finally, after tons of screaming they gave up on getting blood, and started an IV. About an hour later we were finally in the ambulance and on our way to Children's.

When we got here we were put in an ER room and checked in. We saw tons of doctors and surgeons and nurses! He had to have 3 more xrays when we got here. I wish I would've had my camera for 2 of them. They put his legs through a hole and he was sitting on a seat and 2 curved clear plastic sides held him upright from the waist up. He wasn't too crazy about that! They had to redo his port, but it only took 2 sticks, thankfully! We talked to more doctors...they decided that there wasn't a blockage. They decided to check for meningitis just to start narrowing things down. We're still waiting on that and the blood and urine culture, but they don't think it's that. His white blood cells were double what they should be, so they knew he was trying to fight infection. They decided we should stay while they gave him antibiotics and for more tests. We finally got in a room at 4am. He slept all night! Poor baby had a ROUGH day!

Yesterday morning they took another xray, but nothing else. Just tons of nurses and doctors coming in and checking on him. Last night the nurse thought he showed signs of reflux, so this morning they started him on meds for that. They also did more blood work and found high levels of something...all I know is that it means that he has an allergy to something. It's amazing that when all this started my first thought was reflux...just by the way he was acting, and then I mentioned something to Grandpa about him possibly being lactose intolerant...the last thing I ate was a huge thing of icecream. I don't know about the lactose intolerant thing yet, but I was right about reflux...maybe I do have a little mother's intuition.

Anyway, we'll find out about the cultures tomorrow morning and they're supposed to do more blood work to find out about the allergy thing. Ben seems to be doing much much better! He's eating like a horse! We're both very ready to be home!

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers! Also please send some prayers up for the Ackley family. They lost one of their 2 month old twins 3 weeks ago, and now the other one is in Children's with heart problems. I can't imagine what that family is going through! A little stomach problem is making me a wreck! I'll keep you updated...

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To Grandpa and Nannie's we go!

Grandpa and Daddy thought it would be best if Ben and I stayed at Grandpa's house for a few days, so Sunday night after church we headed to Dierks. This was Ben's first sleepover!

Grandpa and Nannie are so proud! If we stay here too long, he'll be spoiled rotten...not that he isn't already!

Monday, May 25, 2009

20 Days...

He's gone...he left yesterday morning. At my last dr. appointment, the nurse asked how long Michael would home and I told her 20 days. That got me thinking how sad it was that I counted time with my husband in days.

I've spent 44 days with my husband since October 13th! How sad is that? I didn't even have to try too hard to count those days up. He got 10 days leave after graduation and 14 days of RA. This time he took 10 days of leave and got 10 days of basket leave.

Leaving isn't getting any easier. It was so hard to see him walk out our apartment door and know that he may never walk back through it. I think this was probably the hardest goodbye I've had. Leaving for bootcamp wasn't too bad, because I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. MCT was only for 20 something bad could that be? When I left him in Pensacola, I knew I would be seeing him again in about a month, so it wasn't too bad. This time however, I fell apart. Luckily...or unfortunately...I had Ben, so my falling apart had to take a backseat to him. It's certainly NOT unfortunate that I have Ben! I guess he helped me to not have a complete melt down, just a few breakdowns. I think Ben will be a major blessing to me once we get used to being alone. He'll keep me completely occupied! It would've been nice to spend the day in bed crying my eyes out, but I guess that would've been a waste of time anyway.

Michael found out today that he classes up July 6th. I'm not sure what my plans are now. We've gone back and forth about whether I should move or not. I just don't know the answer...I guess we'll just keep praying. Here's a picture I took of Ben and Michael the morning before he left.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

1st Dr. Appointment! (and other firsts)

Ben had his one week check up on Thursday. It's hard to believe he's been here that long! We weren't too impressed with the pediatrician's office or staff, but his nurse was very sweet and he was very nice and good with Ben. I'm not sure if we'll be going back there or not...I guess it all depends on me finding another place to go. Any suggestions?

Ben weighed in at 7lbs and 5oz. I knew he would lose a little a weight, from all my reading, but I was afraid he might've lost too much. He was eating every 3 hours in the hospital, but when he got home it was much more sporadic. Dr. Reeves didn't say anything, so I guess we're doing ok and since then he's been eating more regularly. Dr. Reeves said everything sounded and looked good, but was a little concerned that he might have jaundice, which we were afraid of as well. A nurse (covered in tattoos) came in and took blood. A few hours after the appointment, I got a phone call saying he didn't have jaundice. We were so happy! When we scheduled our appointment for his one month check up, the lady at the desk was very rude! We're so happy our little man is doing good!

Thursday was also Ben's first time to go to Wal-Mart! He did so good and didn't make a peep! He's been out to eat three times now. Twice at Fish Nest, the first time for Ethan's graduation get together (Congratulations Ethan! Good Luck!) and the second with me and Michael. Thursday we went to Salsa's. He did so good all three times! The only time he woke up during any of the three was at Salsa's to get a diaper change and eat. He went to church for the first time Wednesday night. He did ok. He cried when he got hungry and he was pretty hot which made him fussy. Everyone thought he was precious of course! ;)

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera for all above events. I've really got to work on that!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

He's Finally Here!!

Wednesday, May 13th, Michael and I met my mom, grandma, and uncle at Red Lobster. It was the first time I've seen my mom in almost 2 years! We had a good time catching up. She bought some books for Ben and one for me. After we ate, Michael and I headed to the hospital.

They showed me to my room and gave me a beautiful gown and gorgeous bracelets to match ;). Around 7:30 they gave me some medicine to get things going. I don't remember too much about that night...I remember watching American Idol and then they gave me a sleeping pill and some Stadol and I was out!

Thursday morning around 4 they started the Pitocin. Dr. Gordon came in a few hours later and broke my water. Things were moving so slow! When I went in I was still a 1 and by maybe 11 or so I was finally a 2, so they started the epidural. I'm not too sure why they started one so early...I wasn't in too much pain and was pretty much sleeping through the contractions. I wasn't going to argue though. The epi wasn't bad at all! I think I got lucky with that though, because she got it in the first try. Not being able to feel your legs is the strangest feeling! My feet felt cold, but I wasn't really sure if they were or legs also felt like concrete blocks!
Anyway, around 3 they decided that Ben wasn't doing too good with the Pitocin. When I would have a contraction his heart rate would go down, so they stopped the Pitocin to see if I was contracting on my own. I was having small contractions and he was having no problems, so they turned the Pitocin back on. By 4pm I was only at a 5, so they started talking about a c-section. That's the last thing in the world I wanted to hear, but once it's down to that, I guess you don't really have a choice.

By 4:40 I was in the OR getting prepped. They tried to just top off my epi, but I still had quite a bit of feeling, so they went ahead and put me out. Benjamin Michael was born at 4:58pm. He weighed 7 pounds and 10 ounces and was 20 inches long.

I have no idea what happened til around 7. When I came to all I could do was cry and I was so hoarse. I completely freaked out! I remember ripping the oxygen mask off and begging them not to hurt me. Very strange feeling!

When I got to my room everyone was coming in telling me how beautiful my baby was, which at the time, I really didn't want to hear...I wanted to see. A nurse came in and told me that Ben's blood sugar was low and asked if they could give him a bottle. This completely freaked me out. All I wanted the whole time I was pregnant was to breastfeed. It was a really big deal to me, and here they are giving my baby a bottle before I even get to meet him! My hormones were going crazy! Finally 2 nurses come in and tell me they are going to move me to a different bed. I was hurting so bad and the last thing I wanted to do was MOVE! Of course, as soon as the nurses start moving me, another nurse knocks on the door with my baby! I was so excited until the nurses moving me told her to leave and come back later! :/ All I could do was cry. I finally got moved and in comes a huge crowd of people and the nurse with my baby. As excited as I was to see him, I wasn't too excited about 500 other people sharing in this moment with me. Thankfully they all left pretty quick, leaving me with Michael and Ben around 8.
We left the hospital on Saturday afternoon. I don't think I've ever been so happy to be home! Ben is such a good baby! He sleeps all day and he's getting better at sleeping at night. He only cries when he's hungry or your changing his diaper. He already trying to hold up his head! He started doing it in the hospital, but now he does it all the time! All my freaking out in the hospital about bottles was for nothing! Ben is a great eater and is doing wonderful at going from breast to bottle and back to breast. I was really concerned with this, because I knew I wanted to pump for convenience.
Michael is the best dad! I couldn't ask for a better a husband! The first day at the hospital he was a little shaky, but who isn't with a newborn? By the second day he was doing great and now he's a pro! I think Ben is more comforted by him than by me. I don't know what I would've done if Michael hadn't have gotten 10 more days for paternity leave. After having a c-section I was completely out of commision! I couldn't even go to the bathroom by myself, muchless take care of a new baby. Not being able to do anything drove me crazy! He was so wonderful cooking, cleaning, and taking care of Ben and me!
It hasn't taken as long as I expected to get to feeling better. The first few days home were pretty rough! Everyday gets better and better and I find that I can do more and more. Thursday night was my first night to sleep in the bed. Michael did all the getting up and down with Ben, but last night I was able to sleep in the bed and get up with Ben! Progress! Michael leaves tomorrow morning, so I'm going to be a full time mom...I have no choice but to be better! I'm not sure what I'll do without Michael here to help me. I guess I'll figure it out as I go...isn't that what motherhood is all about anyway?

Monday, May 11, 2009

Dr. Appointment and more!

On Friday, I had my very last appointment! I didn't make anymore progress, but I have been having some contractions, so she said that was a good sign. If nothing happens before Wednesday night, I'm scheduled to go to the hospital at 7 to get things moving. Wednesday night they'll give me prostaglandin and then Thursday morning I'll get pitocin...hopefully Ben will get here sometime Thursday!! I can't wait, but I'm so nervous and scared! I can't wait to get all of this over with! Last night around 10:30 I asked Michael if he wanted to go for a walk with me. He said sure, so we walked to the park and made a few trips around the trails and came back home...nothing. Last night I think I would've tried anything to get things going! I ate fresh pineapple and bounced up and down along with a few other things I read about on the wonderful internet...nothing. Oh well, I guess he's just stubborn like his daddy and he'll be here Thursday whether he likes it or not!

Today we went to Dierks and had maternity pictures made by Carmen. I can't wait to see how they turn out! I guess we'll be going back one day next week for newborn pictures! How crazy is that? I'm glad he we was able to hang in there this long so we could get some maternity pictures. I'll post them as soon as I get them!

I guess that's all of the update I have for now...not much longer and I'll have tons of pictures to post everyday!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

He's HOME!

Michael flew into Memphis on Monday and my mother-in-law picked him up, since I shouldn't exactly be driving quite that far away from Hot Springs in my current condition. I met them in Hot Springs, which would be the best place for me to go into labor! Anyway, it was our 2 year anniversary and he gave me beautiful rose that he got at a flower shop he just happened to see while waiting to meet me. :) One of first pictures together.

Our engagement picture.

I can't believe that we've been married for 2 years! The majority of this last year we've been apart unfortunately. We started dating 3 years ago on the 10th and from that day until he left for boot camp, the longest we went without seeing each other was 3 days! Boot camp was so hard! MCT was easier because we got to talk on the weekends, and now MOS is even easier! We talk constantly everyday and we talk on Skype every night! It makes it alot easier to get back to normal when we are together again.

I can't imagine my life without Michael. He's my best friend! He's the only person who knows everything about me and he loves me anyway. He's probably the only person in the world that could put up with me! I'm so lucky to have found him...I really feel that we are soul mates. We compliment each other so perfectly! Where I'm weak, he's strong and where he's weak, I'm strong. I can tell him anything and everything and know that he won't judge me. There's not a whole lot that we don't agree on. I could go on and on...but I think you get the picture! :o)

Anyway, we went to Red Lobster for our anniversary. We had one of first dates there after his graduation where I met his whole family and we ate there after our wedding. That was also the last place we ate before he left for boot camp...I guess that's a special place for us. Then we went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. Fun stuff! He was exhausted since his plane left Pensacola pretty early, so after that we came home.

We've spent the last few days catching up and doing last minute stuff in Ben's room and I've been showing him all of Ben's stuff! I'll try to get pictures on here now since he's seen it. My camera is packed for the hospital, so it may be a week or so til I do it. My luck, I'll unpack it and take some pictures, go into labor and have no camera for pictures of my new baby boy! I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see if I've made anymore progress. We're also going to make final plans for induction, just in case he decides to wait until next Thursday! I'm so excited, nervous, happy, scared....

Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Plan is the Marine Corps!

Old people are so funny! The first time I met one of Michael's aunts (great aunt I think) she asked me at least twice if I was in college. Both times I told her no and she would proceed to ask me if I had a plan. I don't remember what the plan was then...I know Michael had already joined the Marines, but I don't think we knew Ben was on the way...

Anyway, yesterday I went to the bank at Amity to get some cash. On the way out, an older man asked me if I had a job. I told him no I didn't, but in about 2 weeks I would be having a baby and that was more than a job! He then asked what my plan was. I told him I had a husband and he said that was a good plan! So then he wanted to know all about my husband's plan. I told him that Michael was in the Marines and he thought that was a GREAT plan! He had been in the Navy. He told me that he would rather have 2 Marines on his side than 100 of anything else. *proud wife* He told me that he hadn't had enough money to send his sons to college so he took them both to the Air Force recruiter and made them sign up. One stayed in for 23 years and now has his master's in hazordous material and is teaching at Sam Houston! The other got out after his contract was up and moved to Orgeon to build he has no job. He also told me about him having a great job in the logging business until he had a wreck that caused a stroke that left his left arm lifeless. He told me about his time in the Navy and lots of other stories about his life.

While all of this was completely random, I think God sent him to me. He was saying that since Michael was in Intel that he would be going to Iraq and Afgahnistan, not what I wanted to hear, and I told him that. He just laughed and asked if I thought they were just going to send him to Little Rock. :) Anyway, he told me he would be fine if he just listened to his command. He made a good point, he said they don't want him to be killed. He's more use to them alive than dead.

I didn't really know that I had been worrying about this, but I guess it is something that is always in the back of any military wife's mind. I know there will be at least one deployment in this career, and somehow I feel a little more prepared for it. Not only that, but I just asked Michael if he would get out after his 5 years were up and he said we would see. After talking to that guy, I think staying in and retiring is the way to go. I always knew it was...I mean, talk about job security...not to mention great insurance, housing allowance, steady paycheck, an awesome support system, and I really feel like part of a family.

"Once a Marine, Always a Marine" is something that I have found to be very true. I live in one of Plyler's apartments and my drain in my sink was stuck, so he sent a repair guy over to fix it. The repairman saw all my Marine stuff and we started talking. He was in the Marines. He told me that he understood how hard it was knowing that your wife was here all alone and said if I ever needed anything to just let him know. Turns out I can see his house from mine. I know where 2 other Marines live, within walking distance of my house. I don't know either one of them, I've met one once, but I feel if I ever had a problem that all I would have to do is tell them that I am a Marine wife and they would do all they could to help me. Marines are all over the world, so this is a very comforting thought! No matter where we go, we'll be surrounded by our Marine family!

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doctor Appointment

Today I had one of my last doctors appointments! I'm 38 weeks pregnant! I can't believe how fast the past 38 weeks have flown, but at the same time I feel like I've been pregnant forever! I read yesterday that an elephant is pregnant for 23 MONTHS!! That's almost 2 years! I can't even imagine! 9 is plenty for me!

Anyway, I found out that I haven't made any progress since last week. I guess this is good...not what I wanted to hear, but Michael was glad. He's afraid I'll go into labor before he gets here. Maybe Benny boy can hold off for 4 more days! We'll see!

Bethany Smith (NOT Hill) :) is 25 weeks pregnant and she found out yesterday that she's having a BOY! I was shocked! I just knew it was a girl for some reason. I guess this means that Amanda is having a girl...I just want someone to have a girl so I can buy some pink stuff! :)

I guess that's about it! Just lots of house cleaning tomorrow...going to Eva's on Saturday to work on my quilt (fingers crossed it'll be done by Mother's Day!) Sunday. Can't wait til Monday!! I'm going to meet Michael somewhere in Hot Springs and we're gonna go out and eat and go grocery shopping! I CAN'T WAIT! I can't believe we've been married for 2 years! I can't imagine my life any other way!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is for Bethany! (finally) :)

I promise to do better after our little man gets here...right now, there's not a whole lot going on. I have to wait 2 months just have something to talk about! Not to mention, I had no idea anybody even read it...

Michael made it to Pensacola just fine. He's had some rough days down there, but I think he just gets lonely. I can only imgine. I get lonely and I'm surrounded by friends and family. He's down there with no one! He starts class in June...for now. It's changed a few times already. It was July, then May, and now June. It's a 4 month class, so we should be headed to our first duty station by the end of least for now. No thing is a sure thing in the Marine Corps!

Daisy Church of Christ gave me a baby shower a few weeks ago. It was great! We got sooo much cute stuff! I can't wait until Michael comes home to see everything! I would put pictures of the nursery up, but he hasn't seen it yet. I still have a few things left to do, but I'm waiting until he comes home to help me. I just need to hang Ben's name over the crib, hang a picture or 2, and buy a bookshelf. He can do all that since I put everything else together!! Yes, I put a crib together all by myself! While 8 months pregnant, might I add...

My adorable cake!

Daddy is my Hero!

Quilt my mother-in-law made for Ben!

Easter weekend Eva, Bekah, and I drove to Pensacola to see Michael. We decided Wednesday night at about 9:30 that we would leave Friday morning at 4! It was crazy! Everyone was freaking out because I was 34 weeks pregnant. They just knew I was going to go into labor on the interstate! Well, Ben's still not here, so I didn't go into labor. We had a great time! We got there Friday afternoon and all went out to eat. It was alot of fun getting to see where he lives. I hear about it everyday and now I can picture it. Saturday we went to the commisary and the exchange. It was so much fun shopping with my man! We love shopping together! Most women think I'm crazy, but it's just what we do! Sunday Michael and I went to church. Everyone was so nice! I can definitely see myself loving it down there and getting involved with the church. After church we picked up Eva and Bekah and headed to the beach! It was soooo windy! Bekah and I decided the water looked like beer. It was a nasty amber color and very foamy! Of course, this didn't stop us from putting our feet in it! :) We also went to a museum on base. Michael got to stay with us in a hotel on NAS Friday night and Saturday night, but Sunday night he had to be back in the barracks at Corry. We left Monday morning bright and early in a crazy storm! We couldn't even see the interstate! We took an exit with a McDonald's and got some breakfast while we waited out the storm. It passed in about an hour and we had sunshine all the way home!

I'm getting better at taking pictures...not much better, but I'm working on it. Eva has more pictures of me and Michael at the beach on her camera, so I'll post them when I get them from her.

At my doctor appoint 2 weeks ago, I found out that I was dilated to a 1! That was very exciting news! Then last week, I was still a 1...but, I was 40% effaced, so we are making progress! I have another appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. If I don't go into labor before May 14th, I'm scheduled to induce.

Michael's leave got approved!! He will be home on leave from May 4th (our anniversary!!) until May 14th. May 14th, he'll call and tell them his wife is in labor, and then he'll start his 10 day basket leave! Even if I go into labor before the 14th, he will still get his 10 days after his leave ends. So, he'll be home from the the 4th until the 24th!! We are so excited! It's going to be so hard for him to leave! Especially having to leave a little one here at home!

Hopefully, I will be moving to Pensacola soon! We're looking at furnished apartments right now and thinking that I may just take Ben's stuff and some clothes and put everything else in storage here until he gets stationed in October. At the same time, if I could figure out how to get all my stuff down there I would love to do that! It's just so expensive! We're still working on it though!

That's about it...I will try to do better with keeping everyone updated!