Friday, May 29, 2009

Ben's exciting adventure to the hospital

This has been a crazy week! Poor Ben has been through it!

Tuesday night, I layed Ben down for bed around 9:30. He woke up at 10 and looked like he was in pain. I got him calmed down and tried to put him back down. All he would do was scream! I tried this several times to no avail. All he wanted was to be held and only on my shoulder.

We spent that night in Nannie's recliner. I would rock him to sleep, then put the foot thing out, but if I even leaned back the slightest bit he would scream. I figured it was gas and it would go away. I tried to feed him a few times and he didn't want anything to do with it. I fixed him a bottle at 7:30 Wednesday morning and he took about 1.5 ounces finally. I tried a few times for the next few hours to get him to eat some more, but he didn't want any. I called his pediatrician to find out what to do and the nurse said to bring him in. While we were getting ready to leave, Grandpa got him to eat another 2.5 ounces.

Dr. Reeves had them take blood and an xray. After looking at the xray, he decided he had a blockage in his bowels and we should go to Children's. (*He weighed in at 7lbs 9oz! Almost back to birth weight in less than a week!*)

We headed to St. Joe to the ER to get an IV started and take an ambulance to Little Rock. It was supposed to be a quick thing, but it ended up taking 3 hours! They reweighed him and took his temperature and then the bad stuff started...When they took blood at the pediatricians, it only took one little stick, but at the ER it took 8! I was one unhappy momma! Finally, after tons of screaming they gave up on getting blood, and started an IV. About an hour later we were finally in the ambulance and on our way to Children's.

When we got here we were put in an ER room and checked in. We saw tons of doctors and surgeons and nurses! He had to have 3 more xrays when we got here. I wish I would've had my camera for 2 of them. They put his legs through a hole and he was sitting on a seat and 2 curved clear plastic sides held him upright from the waist up. He wasn't too crazy about that! They had to redo his port, but it only took 2 sticks, thankfully! We talked to more doctors...they decided that there wasn't a blockage. They decided to check for meningitis just to start narrowing things down. We're still waiting on that and the blood and urine culture, but they don't think it's that. His white blood cells were double what they should be, so they knew he was trying to fight infection. They decided we should stay while they gave him antibiotics and for more tests. We finally got in a room at 4am. He slept all night! Poor baby had a ROUGH day!

Yesterday morning they took another xray, but nothing else. Just tons of nurses and doctors coming in and checking on him. Last night the nurse thought he showed signs of reflux, so this morning they started him on meds for that. They also did more blood work and found high levels of something...all I know is that it means that he has an allergy to something. It's amazing that when all this started my first thought was reflux...just by the way he was acting, and then I mentioned something to Grandpa about him possibly being lactose intolerant...the last thing I ate was a huge thing of icecream. I don't know about the lactose intolerant thing yet, but I was right about reflux...maybe I do have a little mother's intuition.

Anyway, we'll find out about the cultures tomorrow morning and they're supposed to do more blood work to find out about the allergy thing. Ben seems to be doing much much better! He's eating like a horse! We're both very ready to be home!

Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers! Also please send some prayers up for the Ackley family. They lost one of their 2 month old twins 3 weeks ago, and now the other one is in Children's with heart problems. I can't imagine what that family is going through! A little stomach problem is making me a wreck! I'll keep you updated...

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