Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doctor Appointment

Today I had one of my last doctors appointments! I'm 38 weeks pregnant! I can't believe how fast the past 38 weeks have flown, but at the same time I feel like I've been pregnant forever! I read yesterday that an elephant is pregnant for 23 MONTHS!! That's almost 2 years! I can't even imagine! 9 is plenty for me!

Anyway, I found out that I haven't made any progress since last week. I guess this is good...not what I wanted to hear, but Michael was glad. He's afraid I'll go into labor before he gets here. Maybe Benny boy can hold off for 4 more days! We'll see!

Bethany Smith (NOT Hill) :) is 25 weeks pregnant and she found out yesterday that she's having a BOY! I was shocked! I just knew it was a girl for some reason. I guess this means that Amanda is having a girl...I just want someone to have a girl so I can buy some pink stuff! :)

I guess that's about it! Just lots of house cleaning tomorrow...going to Eva's on Saturday to work on my quilt (fingers crossed it'll be done by Mother's Day!) Sunday. Can't wait til Monday!! I'm going to meet Michael somewhere in Hot Springs and we're gonna go out and eat and go grocery shopping! I CAN'T WAIT! I can't believe we've been married for 2 years! I can't imagine my life any other way!

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