Saturday, October 3, 2009

My new pet(s)!!

Well, I decided not to get the was a very tough decision! Michael said I could get him and we all agreed on a price and I even had a time set up to pick him up. I was so excited...and then I started to think about everything. I started thinking about how expensive he was going to end up being...not only the price of him, the non-refundable pet fee for my apartment, food, collar, leash, crate, something to travel in, etc. etc. That adds up really really fast! Not only that, but I'm hopefully coming home sometime within the next few weeks, so I would have to bring him and stress out about what to do with him in AR. If I stay at my Dad's, he couldn't stay with who wants to take care of someone else's dog? Then we're coming home again for Christmas, so we would have that dilema all over again! Not to mention we're moving in January and if we don't live on base we'll have to pay another pet deposit plus the deposit on the place...all this kept going over and over and over in my head and I kept getting more and more stressed! I didn't even have him yet and he was driving me crazy! Not to mention I knew that everytime he chewed something up or went potty on the carpet, or ANYTHING at all that Michael would give me that look that said I HATE THIS DOG!! So, after getting no sleep, I told the lady that I just couldn't do it. :(

So who are these new pets, you ask? Well, a little over a week ago I bought some squirrel food and a feeder. I hung out as soon as we got home and watched and waited...nothing happened. I say about 10 squirrels at the back of our apartments eating the next day. I knew I had seen the older lady that lives behind us throwing peanuts out a few weeks ago, so I decided that she was feeding them too and that I probably wouldn't be getting any customers. Well, this morning I was rocking Ben and I heard something banging on the front porch. I peeked out and saw a squirrel hanging upside down on the feeder. He had knocked the lid off the top and was tilting the whole thing sideways and food was going ALL over the porch and banging when it landed on our grill. This silly little squirrel would jump up on the feeder (still hanging upside down) grab one piece of food (while food was raining down all over the ground) then jump down on the banister and eat his one piece and do it all over again! He finally discovered all the food on the ground decided to just eat the easy stuff! We had lots of fun watching this little guy who was soon joined by a friend. I still have food all over my front porch, but that's ok, they've been keeping us entertained! If you come to visit and see 50 pound squirrels, you'll know they've been to my house! Silly things have been out there eating all day!

I can't believe how big Ben is getting! He's growing up WAY to fast! He'll 5 months in a little over a week! He loves watching tv and playing in his excersaucer. He's such a sweet little boy! I can't wait to bring him back to Arkansas so ya'll can see him! Here's some pictures of bath time today!

1 comment:

LiamsMommy said...

Thats sad...I wish you had been able to get the puppy! But you're would have been a handful!