Thursday, May 7, 2009

He's HOME!

Michael flew into Memphis on Monday and my mother-in-law picked him up, since I shouldn't exactly be driving quite that far away from Hot Springs in my current condition. I met them in Hot Springs, which would be the best place for me to go into labor! Anyway, it was our 2 year anniversary and he gave me beautiful rose that he got at a flower shop he just happened to see while waiting to meet me. :) One of first pictures together.

Our engagement picture.

I can't believe that we've been married for 2 years! The majority of this last year we've been apart unfortunately. We started dating 3 years ago on the 10th and from that day until he left for boot camp, the longest we went without seeing each other was 3 days! Boot camp was so hard! MCT was easier because we got to talk on the weekends, and now MOS is even easier! We talk constantly everyday and we talk on Skype every night! It makes it alot easier to get back to normal when we are together again.

I can't imagine my life without Michael. He's my best friend! He's the only person who knows everything about me and he loves me anyway. He's probably the only person in the world that could put up with me! I'm so lucky to have found him...I really feel that we are soul mates. We compliment each other so perfectly! Where I'm weak, he's strong and where he's weak, I'm strong. I can tell him anything and everything and know that he won't judge me. There's not a whole lot that we don't agree on. I could go on and on...but I think you get the picture! :o)

Anyway, we went to Red Lobster for our anniversary. We had one of first dates there after his graduation where I met his whole family and we ate there after our wedding. That was also the last place we ate before he left for boot camp...I guess that's a special place for us. Then we went grocery shopping at Wal-Mart. Fun stuff! He was exhausted since his plane left Pensacola pretty early, so after that we came home.

We've spent the last few days catching up and doing last minute stuff in Ben's room and I've been showing him all of Ben's stuff! I'll try to get pictures on here now since he's seen it. My camera is packed for the hospital, so it may be a week or so til I do it. My luck, I'll unpack it and take some pictures, go into labor and have no camera for pictures of my new baby boy! I have an appointment tomorrow, so we'll see if I've made anymore progress. We're also going to make final plans for induction, just in case he decides to wait until next Thursday! I'm so excited, nervous, happy, scared....

1 comment:

Lori Harper said...

Soooo glad you updated the blog! I love it that you are so happy! Can't wait to see pics of baby Ben!