Monday, May 25, 2009

20 Days...

He's gone...he left yesterday morning. At my last dr. appointment, the nurse asked how long Michael would home and I told her 20 days. That got me thinking how sad it was that I counted time with my husband in days.

I've spent 44 days with my husband since October 13th! How sad is that? I didn't even have to try too hard to count those days up. He got 10 days leave after graduation and 14 days of RA. This time he took 10 days of leave and got 10 days of basket leave.

Leaving isn't getting any easier. It was so hard to see him walk out our apartment door and know that he may never walk back through it. I think this was probably the hardest goodbye I've had. Leaving for bootcamp wasn't too bad, because I didn't really know what I was getting myself into. MCT was only for 20 something bad could that be? When I left him in Pensacola, I knew I would be seeing him again in about a month, so it wasn't too bad. This time however, I fell apart. Luckily...or unfortunately...I had Ben, so my falling apart had to take a backseat to him. It's certainly NOT unfortunate that I have Ben! I guess he helped me to not have a complete melt down, just a few breakdowns. I think Ben will be a major blessing to me once we get used to being alone. He'll keep me completely occupied! It would've been nice to spend the day in bed crying my eyes out, but I guess that would've been a waste of time anyway.

Michael found out today that he classes up July 6th. I'm not sure what my plans are now. We've gone back and forth about whether I should move or not. I just don't know the answer...I guess we'll just keep praying. Here's a picture I took of Ben and Michael the morning before he left.


Lori Harper said...

Oh, Jessi! This just breaks my heart. I want you to know that I will be praying hard for you. I know you will both make the right decision. I would really like to see you be able to be with your husband. What a wonderful young lady you have grown to be. An awesome mother and wife. So proud of you.

The Hills said...

Well, I think I have a new blog to follow. I am so glad that you have been posting and you are good at it!
I can not imagine what you feel knowing where Michael has to go and the things that he will see. Keep hanging on to the fact that you have a wonderful little piece of you and Michael to care for and Michael will be home with you all as soon as he is able.
Congrats and he is a little doll. The Hill's are pulling for you too!
Let me know if you ever need anything.