Saturday, May 2, 2009

My Plan is the Marine Corps!

Old people are so funny! The first time I met one of Michael's aunts (great aunt I think) she asked me at least twice if I was in college. Both times I told her no and she would proceed to ask me if I had a plan. I don't remember what the plan was then...I know Michael had already joined the Marines, but I don't think we knew Ben was on the way...

Anyway, yesterday I went to the bank at Amity to get some cash. On the way out, an older man asked me if I had a job. I told him no I didn't, but in about 2 weeks I would be having a baby and that was more than a job! He then asked what my plan was. I told him I had a husband and he said that was a good plan! So then he wanted to know all about my husband's plan. I told him that Michael was in the Marines and he thought that was a GREAT plan! He had been in the Navy. He told me that he would rather have 2 Marines on his side than 100 of anything else. *proud wife* He told me that he hadn't had enough money to send his sons to college so he took them both to the Air Force recruiter and made them sign up. One stayed in for 23 years and now has his master's in hazordous material and is teaching at Sam Houston! The other got out after his contract was up and moved to Orgeon to build he has no job. He also told me about him having a great job in the logging business until he had a wreck that caused a stroke that left his left arm lifeless. He told me about his time in the Navy and lots of other stories about his life.

While all of this was completely random, I think God sent him to me. He was saying that since Michael was in Intel that he would be going to Iraq and Afgahnistan, not what I wanted to hear, and I told him that. He just laughed and asked if I thought they were just going to send him to Little Rock. :) Anyway, he told me he would be fine if he just listened to his command. He made a good point, he said they don't want him to be killed. He's more use to them alive than dead.

I didn't really know that I had been worrying about this, but I guess it is something that is always in the back of any military wife's mind. I know there will be at least one deployment in this career, and somehow I feel a little more prepared for it. Not only that, but I just asked Michael if he would get out after his 5 years were up and he said we would see. After talking to that guy, I think staying in and retiring is the way to go. I always knew it was...I mean, talk about job security...not to mention great insurance, housing allowance, steady paycheck, an awesome support system, and I really feel like part of a family.

"Once a Marine, Always a Marine" is something that I have found to be very true. I live in one of Plyler's apartments and my drain in my sink was stuck, so he sent a repair guy over to fix it. The repairman saw all my Marine stuff and we started talking. He was in the Marines. He told me that he understood how hard it was knowing that your wife was here all alone and said if I ever needed anything to just let him know. Turns out I can see his house from mine. I know where 2 other Marines live, within walking distance of my house. I don't know either one of them, I've met one once, but I feel if I ever had a problem that all I would have to do is tell them that I am a Marine wife and they would do all they could to help me. Marines are all over the world, so this is a very comforting thought! No matter where we go, we'll be surrounded by our Marine family!

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