Sunday, May 24, 2009

1st Dr. Appointment! (and other firsts)

Ben had his one week check up on Thursday. It's hard to believe he's been here that long! We weren't too impressed with the pediatrician's office or staff, but his nurse was very sweet and he was very nice and good with Ben. I'm not sure if we'll be going back there or not...I guess it all depends on me finding another place to go. Any suggestions?

Ben weighed in at 7lbs and 5oz. I knew he would lose a little a weight, from all my reading, but I was afraid he might've lost too much. He was eating every 3 hours in the hospital, but when he got home it was much more sporadic. Dr. Reeves didn't say anything, so I guess we're doing ok and since then he's been eating more regularly. Dr. Reeves said everything sounded and looked good, but was a little concerned that he might have jaundice, which we were afraid of as well. A nurse (covered in tattoos) came in and took blood. A few hours after the appointment, I got a phone call saying he didn't have jaundice. We were so happy! When we scheduled our appointment for his one month check up, the lady at the desk was very rude! We're so happy our little man is doing good!

Thursday was also Ben's first time to go to Wal-Mart! He did so good and didn't make a peep! He's been out to eat three times now. Twice at Fish Nest, the first time for Ethan's graduation get together (Congratulations Ethan! Good Luck!) and the second with me and Michael. Thursday we went to Salsa's. He did so good all three times! The only time he woke up during any of the three was at Salsa's to get a diaper change and eat. He went to church for the first time Wednesday night. He did ok. He cried when he got hungry and he was pretty hot which made him fussy. Everyone thought he was precious of course! ;)

Unfortunately, I forgot my camera for all above events. I've really got to work on that!

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