Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Ya'll win!

Ok, ok, ok, I'll keep people updated...I mean it was the whole point of the blog anyway right?

For anyone who reads this that doesn't know, I moved to Pensacola at the end of June. Honestly, I don't remember too much about the last few months...I don't think anything significant happened.

I hurt my back sometime in July and it's still not better. Ben's been (ha!) going to daycare since I hurt it. When it first happened I couldn't even pick him up. I can pick him now and we can play, but sometimes it just gives out. He had a doctor appointment a few weeks ago, so I decided to keep him after it was over and the next day I could barely hold him. Michael has been getting to stay at home at night now to help take care of Ben. I'm so glad to have him home, but I wish I could keep Ben during the days! I miss him so much! But he seems to love daycare and the ladies there are crazy about him!

He's growing up so fast! At our last dr appointment he weighed 14 pounds and was 24 inches long! He's just now getting into 3-6 month clothes, but they are almost too short and they swallow him whole! I don't know what we're going to do! Ben LOVES his daddy and his favorite thing to do is watch him play xbox! They could do that for hours! He's just now starting to giggle and it's the funniest thing! No teeth yet, but I'm pretty sure it's only a matter of time. He loves anything and everything outside, and he loves to watch people!! As long as he has something to watch he is content!

Michael's class date got pushed back since he had to stay home and help me until we could get daycare worked out. He was supposed to graduate in November, but now its going to be January. Not too big of a deal, in fact it worked out great because now he gets 2 weeks for Christmas because the schools shut down, which means we'll get to come home for sure and actually stay awhile! We're still not sure if we're coming in for Thanksgiving or not...we'll see.

I haven't been up to much...just trying to take care of my boys! I recently got my sewing machine out of the closet thanks to Morgan, so hopefully I will have some pics to post of the progress soon!

I feel like I live at NHP! (Naval Hospital at Pensacola) I was there a few times with my back, then Ben got sick, (he had a bad cough! he took that yummy pink stuff and is much better now!) and Michael's ankle (not sure what he just hurts all the time). Now Michael's in physical therapy for his ankle and is actually at an appointment right now to see if he can go to orthopedics and get an MRI. I should start physical therapy one day next week...yay! But if it works, I'll do whatever it takes!

I'm hopefully getting a dog...*fingers crossed* A lady on craigslist has a min pin for sale and he is the cutest thing you have ever seen!! Hopefully we can all agree on a price and he will be mine! I'll post a pic of him that she sent me.

Anyway, this is all very random and I'm sure I've left something out, but I'll do better about updating and taking pictures to go along with it! I'm getting better at pictures, but I'm pretty sure the people who read this have seen my pics on FB, so I won't post them.

1 comment:

Morgan said...

Yay! Love reading about everything! Hope Michaels ankle gets to feeling better. Give Michael and Ben a hug for me!
Love you all!