Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My first Dr. appointment!

Yesterday was my first appointment. I love Dr. Gordon! She is so nice and made me feel very comfortable. She said everything was looking good and my due date is May 15. I was only 1 day off! I got to hear the heartbeat which was amazing! It's so crazy to think that I'm making a tiny human! I can't wait until January when I can find out what I'm having. Michael will get to come with me, so that will be a very special day for both of us!

Speaking of Michael, you'll never guess what I got Monday! Not 1, not 2, but 3 letters from my sweetie! I was the happiest girl in the post office! He passed swimming! His 2 biggest fears are heights and water and he's been able to overcome both of those in the last 2 weeks! He's so proud of himself and I'm even prouder! Sunday Diane ordered me some clothes for Family Day and Graduation. That makes everything so close. I can't wait to see him. He's lost over 10 pounds since the last time I saw him! I can't wait to meet my new husband!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


I got the best surprise this morning! Yesterday I got a letter from Michael...he's doing good. Like me, he has his good days and his bad days. It's no fun hearing your hubby had a bad day and knowing there is nothing you can do about it. He got 5th place out of 6th in Drill, so he wasn't too happy about that. He just misses being home!

So my big surprise was this morning when I went to the post office to mail his letter and check the mail. I got ANOTHER letter! 2 letters in 2 days! I was ecstatic! I have the best husband in the world. He was having a better day, so it was a good upbeat letter. He went through the second part of the o-course and he did really good! He is so proud of himself. He is terrified of heights and this was a 15 ft rope he had to climb and get on top of a telephone pole and walk across a bunch of telephone poles and then they went up to 20 ft and he had to climb down a rope. This was a HUGE accomplishment for him. I'm so proud of him!!

I'm 14 weeks prego! I'm officially in my 2nd trimester. I have my first Dr. appointment on Tuesday! I can't wait to see my baby for the first time. I wish Michael was here to go with me. I love it when he talks about the baby! It's the sweetest thing in the world. I couldn't ask for a better husband.

Today Eva came over and we've been working on our quilts. I can't wait to see it finished! I'll post some pics when it gets a little farther along. Ok, I guess that's all for today. Gotta go work on my quilt some more! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Getting Started

Just thought this would be a fun way for friends and family to keep up with me and Michael in our new crazy life. There is no telling where the next few years are going to take us, so I will try to keep everyone updated on here. I'm getting an early start so I can get the hang of everything and hopefully make this a habit. I guess that's all for this first one. Hope everyone has a great day! It sure is beautiful outside!