Thursday, April 30, 2009

Doctor Appointment

Today I had one of my last doctors appointments! I'm 38 weeks pregnant! I can't believe how fast the past 38 weeks have flown, but at the same time I feel like I've been pregnant forever! I read yesterday that an elephant is pregnant for 23 MONTHS!! That's almost 2 years! I can't even imagine! 9 is plenty for me!

Anyway, I found out that I haven't made any progress since last week. I guess this is good...not what I wanted to hear, but Michael was glad. He's afraid I'll go into labor before he gets here. Maybe Benny boy can hold off for 4 more days! We'll see!

Bethany Smith (NOT Hill) :) is 25 weeks pregnant and she found out yesterday that she's having a BOY! I was shocked! I just knew it was a girl for some reason. I guess this means that Amanda is having a girl...I just want someone to have a girl so I can buy some pink stuff! :)

I guess that's about it! Just lots of house cleaning tomorrow...going to Eva's on Saturday to work on my quilt (fingers crossed it'll be done by Mother's Day!) Sunday. Can't wait til Monday!! I'm going to meet Michael somewhere in Hot Springs and we're gonna go out and eat and go grocery shopping! I CAN'T WAIT! I can't believe we've been married for 2 years! I can't imagine my life any other way!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

This is for Bethany! (finally) :)

I promise to do better after our little man gets here...right now, there's not a whole lot going on. I have to wait 2 months just have something to talk about! Not to mention, I had no idea anybody even read it...

Michael made it to Pensacola just fine. He's had some rough days down there, but I think he just gets lonely. I can only imgine. I get lonely and I'm surrounded by friends and family. He's down there with no one! He starts class in June...for now. It's changed a few times already. It was July, then May, and now June. It's a 4 month class, so we should be headed to our first duty station by the end of least for now. No thing is a sure thing in the Marine Corps!

Daisy Church of Christ gave me a baby shower a few weeks ago. It was great! We got sooo much cute stuff! I can't wait until Michael comes home to see everything! I would put pictures of the nursery up, but he hasn't seen it yet. I still have a few things left to do, but I'm waiting until he comes home to help me. I just need to hang Ben's name over the crib, hang a picture or 2, and buy a bookshelf. He can do all that since I put everything else together!! Yes, I put a crib together all by myself! While 8 months pregnant, might I add...

My adorable cake!

Daddy is my Hero!

Quilt my mother-in-law made for Ben!

Easter weekend Eva, Bekah, and I drove to Pensacola to see Michael. We decided Wednesday night at about 9:30 that we would leave Friday morning at 4! It was crazy! Everyone was freaking out because I was 34 weeks pregnant. They just knew I was going to go into labor on the interstate! Well, Ben's still not here, so I didn't go into labor. We had a great time! We got there Friday afternoon and all went out to eat. It was alot of fun getting to see where he lives. I hear about it everyday and now I can picture it. Saturday we went to the commisary and the exchange. It was so much fun shopping with my man! We love shopping together! Most women think I'm crazy, but it's just what we do! Sunday Michael and I went to church. Everyone was so nice! I can definitely see myself loving it down there and getting involved with the church. After church we picked up Eva and Bekah and headed to the beach! It was soooo windy! Bekah and I decided the water looked like beer. It was a nasty amber color and very foamy! Of course, this didn't stop us from putting our feet in it! :) We also went to a museum on base. Michael got to stay with us in a hotel on NAS Friday night and Saturday night, but Sunday night he had to be back in the barracks at Corry. We left Monday morning bright and early in a crazy storm! We couldn't even see the interstate! We took an exit with a McDonald's and got some breakfast while we waited out the storm. It passed in about an hour and we had sunshine all the way home!

I'm getting better at taking pictures...not much better, but I'm working on it. Eva has more pictures of me and Michael at the beach on her camera, so I'll post them when I get them from her.

At my doctor appoint 2 weeks ago, I found out that I was dilated to a 1! That was very exciting news! Then last week, I was still a 1...but, I was 40% effaced, so we are making progress! I have another appointment tomorrow, so we'll see what happens. If I don't go into labor before May 14th, I'm scheduled to induce.

Michael's leave got approved!! He will be home on leave from May 4th (our anniversary!!) until May 14th. May 14th, he'll call and tell them his wife is in labor, and then he'll start his 10 day basket leave! Even if I go into labor before the 14th, he will still get his 10 days after his leave ends. So, he'll be home from the the 4th until the 24th!! We are so excited! It's going to be so hard for him to leave! Especially having to leave a little one here at home!

Hopefully, I will be moving to Pensacola soon! We're looking at furnished apartments right now and thinking that I may just take Ben's stuff and some clothes and put everything else in storage here until he gets stationed in October. At the same time, if I could figure out how to get all my stuff down there I would love to do that! It's just so expensive! We're still working on it though!

That's about it...I will try to do better with keeping everyone updated!