Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Wow! It's been a looonnngg time!
Michael graduated bootcamp January 9th, so my IL's and I flew to San Diego on the 7th. We had a great trip! It was my first time flying, but it went pretty good. Thursday the 8th was Family Day and the first time I got to see or talk (other than snail mail) to my hubby in over 3 months! He looks amazing! It was alot of fun listening to all his bootcamp stories and meeting the guys he'd lived with the past 3 months. We only got to spend a few hours together that day, but the next day we got to take him home! I'd heard lots about how great graduation would be and all that good stuff, but me and Michael both agreed it was boring!

Liberty Fomation on Family Day...he's in the back row.

Right after our first big hug! He didn't even look like the same person!

Right after graduation!

Michael's parents flew home the next day, but we decided to stay in San Diego for a babymoon! We had so much fun! We went to Sea World, the ocean, and Hard Rock Cafe. We also spent all of Saturday at the mall shopping for Michael new clothes! He was sooo cute! He went from wearing a XL to a M in a few months, so he had NO clothes to wear at home! He's a little cocky now, because he knows he looks good...other than that, he's the same guy I married almost 2 years ago.

Getting ready to go out after a looong day at Sea World.

We had our ultrasound while Michael was home and IT'S A BOY! I'm sure anyone reading this already knows that by now, but... I think seeing it on the screen made it feel real to Michael. That was the first time he got to hear the heartbeat as well. He's a proud daddy! He's so happy it's a boy! He also got to feel one kick while he was home. If he was home now he could feel them all the time! Sometimes I think Ben's trying to bust out of his little home! BTW, his name is going to be Benjamin Michael!

Michael had to leave Feb. 3rd to head back out to California. This time to Camp Pendleton for MCT (Marine Combat Training). He graduated from there today! Yay! One school down and one to go! He's on a bus right now headed to LA where he will catch a flight to Pensacola, FL for his MOS school. I know...California...Florida...and I'm stuck in freezing cold Arkansas! :o)
That's pretty much it. Everything's going great! I've been working in Ben's room a little, but it's no where near done!! I'll post pics when it is! Hope everyone has a great week and I'll try to do better about keeping everyone updated!